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78% succeed with ContrAl

Treat alcoholism and other addictions with an internationally recognised outpatient treatment method

Don't lose the control of your life, treat your alcohol problem discreetly while continuing your normal everyday life.

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Successful treatments
mies istuu terapeutin alkoholismi hoitovastaanotolla
Grafiikka jossa talo ja lääkepurkki, kuvaa Avohoitoa
Outpatient or remote treatment

You can complete the treatment programme discreetly while continuing to live your normal life. You are guaranteed absolute privacy. You can easily book the appointments around your own schedule and choose to meet remotely if you wish.

Grafiikka jossa lääkepurkki ja puhekupla - Terapia ja lääkitys
Therapy + medication

The Contral treatment method consists of individual therapy sessions and controlled use of a medicine (naltrexone or nalmefene). Alcohol can be consumed with the medication and the treatment does not require total abstinence.

Grafikka jossa atomin sisus kuvastaa termiä Perustuu tieteeseen
Developed in Finland and scientifically tested

The patented Contral method is based on decades of scientific research and has been used to treat thousands of patients in Finland and abroad.

Grafiikka jossa tikkataulu ja OK merkki, Tulokset
Set your own goal

Whether it is to stop drinking completely or to reduce it to a moderate level, we will help you achieve your goal.


The Contral method is suitable for treating many types of addictions

All treatment programmes are also available fully remotely.

A comprehensive treatment programme for alcoholism, alcohol use disorder and heavy drinking.

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Grafiikka jossa pelikortit, pelinappula ja reisiluut, Peliriippuvuus
Gambling addiction

The treatment programme is meant for people suffering from gambling addiction.

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Grafiikka jossa tietokone ja kettinki, Nettiriippuvuus
Internet addiction

A treatment programme for people whose internet use, video game consumption, or social media use is out of control.

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Feel like you are drinking too much alcohol?
Take an alcoholism test!
mies nojaa baaritiskiin tuoppi kädessään linkki alkoholiriippuvuustestiinmies nojaa baaritiskiin tuoppi kädessään linkki alkoholiriippuvuustestiin

Our professional medical staff will help you in every step of the way

Markus Rosberg

Expert in Addiction Medicine with a Passion for Helping Patients towards a New Life

Dr. Markus Rosberg is a specialist, who has been treating patients suffering and recovering from alcoholism for almost 30 years and has been working at Contral Clinics since 2009. Markus' reception is open to adults who are either addicted to alcohol or gambling. He is available in Helsinki, either on-site or remotely, in Finnish or in English.
Kristiina Niskanen

Addiction Specialist and Experienced Psychotherapist and Educator

Kristiina Niskanen is a psychotherapist specialising in addiction treatment and has been working at Contral Clinics since 2018, helping patients to recover from various addictions. In addition to her clinical work, Kristiina also serves as an educator and expert, sharing her knowledge on addiction-related matters. Whether in Helsinki or through remote sessions, Kristiina provides compassionate support to her client
Marina Poutilainen

Over 30 Years of Experience as a Psychologist and Therapist

Marina Poutiainen has worked as a psychologist and therapist for over 30 years, treating a variety of client groups. Since 2019, she has been part of the Contral Clinics’ team of professionals. Marina welcomes clients both remotely and on-site in Helsinki, in Finnish and in Russian. She also provides help after the treatment programme to support you in maintaining your lifestyle change.
Marika Vilén
Marika Vilén

Strong and Extensive Experience of Working with a Wide Range of Clients

Marika Vilén is a psychologist who has been in the field for almost 30 years and is also a qualified neuropsychological coach and counsellor. In her work, Marika aims to look at the client's situation and needs in a holistic way, taking into account the client's own wishes in her approach. She has also trained health professionals and produced literature in the field. Marika welcomes clients on-site in Helsinki or remotely.
Jukka keski-pukkila

Three decades as an advocate for the Contral method in Finland

Jukka Keski-Pukkila is the CEO of Contral Clinics and comments on the clinic's operations, "Our staff is very committed to helping our clients recover from their illness. I am proud of our effective methods and the results we have achieved in treating this problematic disease. And this is what we will continue to do.” Jukka responds to customer enquiries via the website.
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Alcoholism treatment programme

Contral treatment is always individually tailored to the client's needs, and if needed, the entire programme can be completed remotely. For a detailed description of each treatment option, move to the services page.

Alkoholistin maksa-arvot laskevat
1. Info visit

You will undergo an initial assessment of your situation, followed by a comprehensive presentation outlining the specific treatment steps. Afterward, you will make the decision whether to proceed with the treatment.

Book a visit
Alkoholistin maksa-arvot laskevat
2. First visit

Before the first visit, you will have your liver enzymes measured and your addiction medicine doctor will prescribe the right medication for you.

Alkoholistin maksa-arvot laskevat
3. Therapy phase

Consists of 6 therapy sessions, including exercises for home and everyday situations.

Alkoholistin maksa-arvot laskevat
4. Final assessment

Before the last visit, you will measure your liver enzymes again. At the final visit, your doctor will assess the results of your treatment and review the impact of the treatment on your liver.


Read articles about addictions and the Contral Clinics method


Read what our satisfied customers say about the treatment

Contral Clinics' highly experienced doctors and psychologists have successfully supported thousands of clients from all backgrounds in overcoming addiction, enabling them to regain control over their lives and achieve a balanced work and family life. In order to maintain patient safety and privacy, the names of client testimonials have been changed.

Grafiikka jossa puhekuplia, tähtiä ja teksiä, Arvostelut piiirros
My job includes a a lot of representing. I was starting to be afraid of the alcohol use almost every evening. I was starting to get hooked. No company can afford to keep a drunk in a position with a lot of responsibility. I took Contral's treatment program and with it, reducing alcohol consumption was surprisingly easy. Since I did not have to quit altogether, I was still able to handle all the representation events.
Jussi N.
45 years old, Espoo
I have to travel around the world due to my work. Oftentimes I had nothing else to do during the evenings than to drink. However, travelling takes its toll and my health started to weaken. I go to Finland from time to time, and decided to start the Contral treatment programme. The combination of the drug and the counselling helped me get my drinking under control. It was happy to be able to take some of the counselling sessions online, as well. I feel a lot better now, thanks to the decreased drinking.
Jeffrey Т.
56 years old, London
My alcohol use gradually increased over the years. Eventually I had to drink at least one wine bottle each evening. I faced stress both at the office as well home. When my family started to make remarks, I finally realised that everything is not OK. I took the Contral treatment programme, and already halfway the programme my alcohol use had halved. Now I only use alcohol occasionally.
Liisa К.
38 years old, Helsinki
A few times a year alcohol use got out of hands and I could not control it. Especially during holidays I often drank from morning until late night, and for several days in a row. Luckily my wife finally had enough, and booked a counselling session from Contral Clinics. After their treatment programme, I haven't had a single relapse. And the best part was the privacy. Nobody else had any idea, except for my wife of course.
Matti V.
37 years old, Tampere
I was laid off at work and ended up becoming unemployed. Initially I started spending more time at the nearby bar than at home. I developed a craving for beer and was always out of money. Thanks to Contral Clinics, my alcohol consumption is now only a fraction of what it used to be. My financial situation has improved and my mornings are completely different. I have kept touch with my old friends, but go to the bar very rarely nowadays. I take follow-up counselling at Contral Clinics about once a year or so.
Ulla L.
53 years old, Vantaa
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